Qantas algae fuel plan
Friday | Feb 11 2011AUSTRALIA could develop a significant sustainable aviation fuel industry, under a plan announced this morning by Qantas and US renewable energy specialist firm Solazyme.
ACCC warns on RWC11
Friday | Feb 11 2011THE Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging consumers to be extremely wary when purchasing tickets online for the 2011 Rugby World Cup in New Zealand later this year.
QF facing pilot unrest
Thursday | Feb 10 2011QANTAS has firmly rejected a demand from unions which asked that only QF pilots should operate planes in other Qantas Group airlines such as Jetstar and Jetconnect.
Kenya slams DFAT advice
Wednesday | Feb 9 2011THE Australian Department of Foreign Affairs has been blasted by a group of Kenyan tourism representatives for labelling the East African country as an “unsafe” destination.
DJ/NZ ‘major opportunity’
Tuesday | Feb 8 2011AIR New Zealand and Virgin Blue are set to launch the first of a range of coordinated products on routes between Australia and New Zealand by the middle of the year, as the carriers work to reap the benefits of their recently approved alliance (TD 15 Dec).
Departures start to slow
Tuesday | Feb 8 2011THE strong rate of growth for short-term resident departures from Australia over the last two years dipped during Dec 2010, but outbound travel is still at record levels.
Expedia push for traffic
Monday | Feb 7 2011ONLINE travel giant Expedia has signed a major deal with global IT firm Experian Hitwise to deliver more internet traffic to the Expedia websites in Australia and New Zealand.
McEvoy restructures TA
Monday | Feb 7 2011TOURISM Australia md Andrew McEvoy has announced a revamp of the organisation, in order to “align itself to the 2020 Tourism Industry Potential” launched late last year (TD 15 Nov 10).
Joyce warns on QF int’l
Friday | Feb 4 2011AVIATION capacity flooding into Australia from the Middle East and China has seen Qantas’ international market share drop from 35% to 20%, with QF ceo Alan Joyce yesterday issuing a grim warning about the implications for the carrier.
NTIA nominations open
Friday | Feb 4 2011THE travel industry will once again begin the process of celebrating excellence at 9am next Mon, when nominations for the 2011 National Travel Industry Awards officially open.