Skal Congress confirmed
Friday | Jun 11 2010SYDNEY’S hosting of the 2010 Skal World Congress in Oct is going full steam ahead, after a visit this week by the organisation’s Secretary-General Jim Power to review arrangements.
New SYD int’l complete
Friday | Jun 11 2010FEDERAL Transport Minister Anthony Albanese this morning officially opened the revamped International Terminal at Sydney Airport, as the culmination of a $500 million development project.
DJ res downtime warning
Thursday | Jun 10 2010VIRGIN Blue has warned that its booking and check-in system will undergo a major upgrade this weekend, resulting in a 24 hour downtime for bookings and expected longer check-in times.
Tiger slams DJ-NZ tie-up
Thursday | Jun 10 2010TIGER Airways says the proposed trans-Tasman pact between Virgin Blue and Air New Zealand will provide DJ with “an unwarranted and unjustified increase in profitability”.
Jetstar long-haul ex SIN
Wednesday | Jun 9 2010THE first destinations to be served from Jetstar’s planned long-haul A330 base in Singapore will be Melbourne and Auckland (TD breaking news), with the carrier set to debut daily direct Melbourne flights on 16 Dec.
RCC cruise retail launch
Wednesday | Jun 9 2010CRUISE1ST, one of the UK’s biggest online cruise sellers, will launch in the Australian market next month (TD breaking news) and is claiming to be “the only cruise focused holiday website in Australia that enables customers to package and complete the full booking process in a single, easy transaction”.
AFTA weathers the storm
Tuesday | Jun 8 2010DESPITE tough conditions last year AFTA has maintained its full range of operations, recording a loss of just $12,000 as it coped with lower membership income, reduced royalties from training colleges and lower interest rates on its cash (TD breaking news).
ACCC looks at JTG-Stella
Tuesday | Jun 8 2010THE official period for submissions to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission inquiry into the proposed merger between Stella Travel and Jetset Travelworld (TD special edition 12 May) has now closed, with the ACCC set to deliver its verdict in less than three weeks.
QF revises reissue policy
Monday | Jun 7 2010QANTAS has published a new GDS-compatible International Ticket Reissue Policy which it says will “improve the servicing capabilities of airlines and travel agents”.
Industry divided on TA ad
Monday | Jun 7 2010TRAVEL industry respondents to our survey on the new Tourism Australia TV commercial (TD 01 Jun) are almost exactly evenly divided, with 51% saying they like the ad and 49% saying they don’t.