NTIA finalists announced
Friday | May 7 2010TODAY is the day for which the Australian travel industry has been waiting with bated breath, with the official publication of the finalists in this year’s National Travel Industry Awards.
Dixon hails Brett Godfrey
Thursday | May 6 2010A MAGNANIMOUS Geoff Dixon last night acknowledged retiring Virgin Blue ceo Brett Godfrey’s major contribution to the Australian aviation industry over the last ten years since he founded the carrier.
Expedia aims for the top
Thursday | May 6 2010ONLINE agency Expedia will today launch a major marketing campaign, with the company’s new Asia-Pacific head, Dan Lynn, telling TD “Over the next few years we want to be the number one place that Australians come to for their travel needs”.
More hols on the radar
Wednesday | May 5 2010THERE’S good news for the travel industry in a survey released by Roy Morgan Research yesterday, which showed that more Australians intend to take a holiday in the next 12 months.
Record voting for NTIA
Wednesday | May 5 2010AFTA has a big job ahead of it sorting out the finalists in the National Travel Industry Awards, after a record of more than 2500 votes were received during the two week polling period which finished last Fri.
Fuel levies commission
Tuesday | May 4 2010INTERNATIONAL airlines selling fares through Australian travel agents are facing potential multi-million dollar payments after the Federal Court ruled that fuel surcharges are commissionable.
Tasman tie-up for NZ/DJ
Monday | May 3 2010AIR New Zealand and Virgin Blue say that their proposed trans-Tasman alliance (TD breaking news) will “stimulate a new wave of competition in Australasian aviation”.
Qantas numbers up 11%
Monday | May 3 2010QANTAS this morning reported that its traffic during Mar was up 11.2% on a year ago – but most of the growth occurred on Jetstar international sectors, and the carrier’s yield is down significantly on a year ago.
VisitBritain restructures
Friday | Apr 30 2010THE UK’s tourism marketing organisation VisitBritain says it remains “wholly committed to maintaining a presence in Australia and New Zealand” despite appointing a Singapore-based regional manager.
DJ tops CHOICE survey
Friday | Apr 30 2010MORE than 11,000 members of consumer group CHOICE have ranked Virgin Blue as the best domestic airline for comfort, service and entertainment.