Apply for the Explore New Zealand Discount Programme and start planning today.
Thinking about your next trip away? How about travelling on Tourism New Zealand’s Explore Self-Famil Discount Programme?
Eligible travel sellers can gain access to over 220 exclusive discounts across 25 regions in New Zealand.
Discounts range from 100% (free of charge), whilst most sit around 30-50% off and many of these discounts are generously extended to one travel companion.
You choose when to travel (between March and November), who to travel with and how long to travel for, all whilst building your knowledge and confidence in selling destination New Zealand.
To be eligible for this programme, you must:
- Be a full-time travel seller
- Complete 10 modules on the 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist Programme
- Be a member of the Australian Travel Seller Closed Facebook Group
- Sign up to the Australian Trade Newsletter
Apply today and start curating your dream self-famil to Aotearoa New Zealand. See here for T&Cs.